Easy to Use Virtual Tour Software

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Creating & Editing a Tour

You must have at least two or more saved Panoramas or 2D Images in order to generate a “Tour”. Get started by clicking the “+ New” button in the “Tours” section of the dashboard. This action will open a blank tour editor, and from here you can edit your tour details and add panoramas.

* Free Accounts only get one tour. Once created it can not be deleted.


Tour Details

  1. Enter a Tour title.
  2. Optionally enter a Tour description.
  3. Add panoramas to your tour via the “Add and Remove Tour Content” drop down.
  4. Customize your tour’s branding, see the branding documentation.


Once you’ve created your Tour, each associated Panorama and/or 2D image will be displayed as a thumbnail in the new “Tour Navigation” tray at the bottom of your viewer.

Linking Panorama Markers to Tour Content

When editing a “Tour” you now have the option to choose from your linked panoramas when creating new Markers.

NOTE: This specific Marker Type is only available when editing a “Tour”.


Editing Existing Tour Content

Use the following instructions as a guide if you have an existing Tour, but need to add or remove associated Panoramas/2D content.
