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How to Edit Panorama Settings- Part 2


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We’re going to be discussing the panorama settings specifically the panorama viewer controls. We have a complete article on the other parts of the panorama settings which you can see here.

The panorama viewer controls settings are all your viewing points where you want to start your panorama, all the limits you’re going to give your viewers and how far they can scroll up, how far they can scroll down to the sides and the zoom levels on the panoramas.

If you are interested in seeing more information on the panorama settings such as brand information, title, description, audio, etc. please refer to the first part of the blog article/video here.

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We are going to focus on the panorama viewer configuration. The first setting we look at is the “Max zoom in” setting. Once the customer starts viewing your tour and you are looking to limit how much they can zoom in and out of the panorama then you can do that with this Max Zoom Control as shown image below.

Panorama Viewer - Max Zoom in

Panorama Viewer – Max Zoom in

Initially we are allowing them to zoom in as much as they want. You can put in a limit, where you don’t want your viewer to zoom in a lot. Let’s say 150 and save panorama.  You will see that once they zoom in and it stops a certain point. They can’t go deeper. If you want your viewer to zoom in as much as they want, just set it to 0 limit.

Panorama Viewer - Max Zoom in at 150

Panorama Viewer – Max Zoom in at 150

The “zoom out” option is the same as the zoom in option however here you are controlling how much your viewer can zoom out.  This is automatically set to 70 which allows them a reasonable amount of zooming out.

However if you choose to zoom out more than the limit 70. Let’s say 106 then save panorama. Then the viewer can zoom out much more.  

Panorama Viewer - Max Zoom Out

Panorama Viewer – Max Zoom Out

Panorama Image Zoomed Out

Panorama Image Zoomed Out

The image above shows the zoom out at 106.

These are just some options you have in case you want to use them. Generally it’s recommended to keep the zoom out at 70 and the zoom in as much as they want.

The next settings is the starting zoom which is the starting zoom once they start viewing the panorama.

If you want to start off from the position that is a bit more Zoomed Out, it is recommended to zoom out more than 70 and configure Start Zoom at 100. Then Save Panorama.

Panorama Viewer - Start Zoom

Panorama Viewer – Start Zoom

In this example we have set a panorama of the statue of liberty at 101 starting zoom.

Panorama Zoomed Out +106

Panorama Zoomed Out +106

Whereas if we put the start zoom back to a zoom of 70 the image below shows a more zoomed out start. Please do not forget to click save every time you change the zoom.

At a starting zoom of 70 the panorama will be pretty zoomed in and they cannot see the full part of the statue of liberty (see image below) so in this case it better to start off with a zoom of 106.

Panorama Zoomed Out +70

Panorama Zoomed Out +70

Next is the vertical starting point and the horizontal starting point. In the image above the panorama starts off with the Statue of Liberty not centered.

This is kind of annoying because it’s a beautiful panorama but the statue of liberty is on the right. Ideally I want them to start with the Statue of Liberty in the middle as shown image below.

Panorama Perfect Position

Panorama Perfect Position

So we set the Horizontal Start Point of the Panorama around 60 degrees and the Vertical Start Point set to 20 degrees. This will shift the panorama to start 60 degrees panned clockwise and 20 degrees in the vertical direction.

For tips on how to create beautiful panoramas like the one above please refer to this article.

Panorama Viewer - Vertical & Horizontal Start Point

Panorama Viewer – Vertical & Horizontal Start Point

These controls serve as the starting point horizontally and vertically of where you want your panorama to start. Its best to test the degree rotation to get the best position for your panorama.

The next setting is the vertical and horizontal limits that are set off. If this is turned off then the viewer can view the panorama up and down and sideways as much as you they which means there are no limitations.

Panorama Viewer - Vertical & Horizontal Limits

Panorama Viewer – Vertical & Horizontal Limits

If you don’t want them to see certain parts of the image when they scroll down, you can set the Vertical Limit into On. Set the Vertical Limit Bottom to your desired degree of limitation or a bit more and hit save panorama. The viewers can now only view down to that degree as a limit.

Panorama Viewer - Vertical Limit -68

Panorama Viewer – Vertical Limit -68

It’s the same thing for the top limit, if you don’t want them to go to the top much then you can set a degree limit on the Vertical Limit Top.

As for the Horizontal limit, it is the same as the vertical limit however it limits viewers horizontally on the panorama. For example if you don’t want them to view more than 60 degrees left or right on the panorama then you would set the horizontal limits there.

Panorama Viewer - Horizontal Limit

Panorama Viewer – Horizontal Limit

If you’re giving your panorama a limit to test it and you don’t want to save it, you can preview it instead. You can click on the preview config here button and it’ll preview the panorama instead of saving.

Panorama Preview Configuration

Panorama Preview Configuration

Lastly, the auto rotate. This option lets you auto rotate the panorama. So if we set the Autorotate into “2 slow” and save panorama then the panorama will start rotating by itself and the rotate speed is slow. If you want to rotate fast, you can set it up to five and hit save.

Panorama AutoRotate

Panorama AutoRotate

If you want to delay the autorotate at the start once the panorama starts then set the Auto Rotate Start Delay to the delay you like.

The last portion is the fisheye. Fisheye is a wide lens and it gives the panorama a very wide length lens. On the image below, you can zoom out and the buildings on the left are visible. The Fish eye is turned on.

Panorama FishEye On

Panorama FishEye On

If I set the Fisheye to NO and save the panorama, the image is a bit narrower and you can’t zoom out so much. You can see that the buildings on the left no longer visible compared to the image above. You are unable to zoom out much in comparison to the fish eye option when its turned on.

Panorama FishEye Off

Panorama FishEye Off

To learn more about how to use threesixy.tours please visit our learning center https://threesixty.tours/learning-center/.

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